Living The Wonka World

TEDxKIET 2023 THEME: Living The Wonka World

TEDxKIET 2023 event will be centered around the theme: Living The Wonka World Inspired by the imaginative and whimsical world of Willy Wonka in Roald Dahl's beloved children's book, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", we have chosen the theme TEDXKIET 2023 based on the notion that the real world can be viewed as one large Wonka world.

"Living the Wonka World" as a theme is chosen to encourage people to unleash their creativity and embrace their inner childlike wonder. Through this theme, we hope to allow the audience to explore the transformative power of imagination and the importance of playfulness in our lives.

As portrayed in the stories, The Wonka World is full of colorful characters and fantastical inventions. It's a place where innovation and creativity, are highly valued. Living in the Wonka World means being willing to take risks and push boundaries in one's own life and work, and seeing failure as a natural part of the creative process. Living in the Wonka World also means challenging conventional thinking and questioning the status quo. The Wonka World is a place where rules are meant to be broken, and where innovation and creativity are rewarded. Living in the Wonka World means being willing to challenge existing ideas and systems, and to approach problems and challenges with a fresh perspective. Ultimately, At the heart of the Wonka World is a sense of joy and delight in the simple pleasures of life. This can involve anything from savoring a delicious piece of chocolate to exploring the beauty of the natural world. Living in the Wonka World means taking the time to appreciate and celebrate the magic and wonder of life. Comparing the fantastical elements of the Wonka world, such as the Oompa Loompas, the Chocolate River, and the Everlasting Gobstopper, the theme also explores deeper meanings and talks about ideas such as social justice, environmental sustainability, and human potential. Overall, living in the Wonka World is about embracing the magic and wonder of life, and approaching each day with a sense of curiosity, creativity, and playfulness. It is about seeing the world through a child's eyes and being open to all the possibilities that life has to offer.